Angel number 777: Stillness in Motion

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angel number 777

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Angel number 777 explained

Angel number 777 is a wonderfully positive sign that the universe is trying to bring you gifts and blessings but you need to slow down and relax to let it into your life. When you chase your desires, your desires run from you. Meanwhile, the universe is already trying to bring you what you want but how can you receive these gifts when you aren’t home? If your mind is projecting into the future or dwelling on the past, then you are not at home in the present moment. The present is all that exists. The future and past are mental constructs, they are illusions we create by projecting our minds in search of greater fulfillment. The irony is that the more you seek, the worse you feel. The more you try to look for happiness, the more you assert the idea that you are unhappy, so then you try even harder and become even less happy. 

Fulfillment is to be found here and now, it is only mental and emotional habits that keep us from discovering the fullness of life that is available in every single moment. The angel number 777 is encouraging you to let go of your fear-based motivations that keep your happiness at bay and let them be replaced by genuine inspiration. Human beings are inherently nervous about our value in relation to the rest of the world, so we create all kinds of ways to try to measure ourselves against others. We do this with money, relationships, careers, accomplishments, etc, etc. This feeling that we are missing something comes from the misunderstanding about our place in the universe. This nervousness disguises itself and tricks you into thinking you are chasing your dreams, when you are just running from your fears.

We are born into the world thinking that there is a separation between the world we experience inside and the world we see outside, but this distinction is an illusion. We are not separate from nature, we are all parts of one inseparable whole in the same way that your finger is one individual aspect of the whole hand. This feeling of being a stranger in a strange world causes us to start thinking about solutions to try to remedy this feeling that something is missing. The more we think, the thicker this imaginary wall between the inner and outer worlds becomes. Angel number 777 is urging you to stop thinking so much so you can experience the feeling of being one with the universe. This might sound grandiose, but this experience is available to every single person. All you need to do is stop the chattering in your mind long enough for the walls to come down so the world can get in. 

When you feel this connection to the rest of the world a sense of peace and love washes over you and even the smallest most mundane experiences become overwhelmingly beautiful. The feeling that something is missing disappears and the meaning of life becomes obvious. When you take action from this state of being the universe cooperates with you and brings you your true desires with little effort on your part. The angel number 777 reminds you that life doesn’t have to be a battle, you don’t have to strain and struggle for everything. The only work you need to do is the work of letting go of the habit of chasing after things out of the fear of not being enough. 

To further understand the angel number 777 we can do some basic math to unpack the numerology behind it. When we add 7 + 7 + 7 = 21. Then we further add 2 + 1 = 3. This tells us that even though the number 7 is the primary influence in this angel number, the number 3 is also involved. The number 3 represents the idea of mastery, long-term results, and hard work. This shows us that the angel number 777 is not about short-term satisfaction, but lasting happiness. The hard work involved is not physical hard work, but the hard work of facing and letting go of the fears that prevent you from relaxing into the present moment and opening up to the loving inspiration of the number 7.

In numerology, each number is associated with a geometric shape. In the case of the number 777, this is the septagram or 7-pointed star. While the 5-pointed star represents a human form, and the 6-pointed star represents the sun and planets, the 7-pointed star looks somewhat like an angel in the form of a human with wings. This symbolizes a human who has transcended their lower nature and become a living expression of the divine. People who act from a state of wholeness act in harmony with the rest of the universe and become more like angels and less like humans, expressing the will of the divine and creating heaven on earth. 

Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 777

On the spiritual level, the angel number 777 represents the transformation process. Similar to animals like caterpillars and salamanders, human beings have the potential to transform into an entirely new way of being. Anyone who has studied alchemy knows that the number 7 shows up everywhere. There are 7 colors in the visible light spectrum, 7 traditional planets in astrology, 7 whole tones in the Western musical scale, 7 stages of the transformation process, and so on. 

The spiritual experience of the angel number 777 is an experience of overwhelming appreciation for the beauty of harmony of the universe. This sense of appreciation is so inspiring that it can make you want to create beautiful works of art, poetry, and music. Instead of creating these things for the sake of material gain and validation seeking, you will want to create things that are as beautiful as possible as a way of saying thank you to the universe for giving you the gift of life. 

What Angel Number 777 Means For Love and Relationships

In romantic relationships, the angel number 777 is a sign that you could be putting too much pressure on your partner to be responsible for your happiness. It is extremely common for people to use romantic relationships to give them a sense of fulfillment, but this situation creates a toxic dynamic. If you put too much pressure on your relationship to be your source of validation in life, you will constantly live in fear of losing that relationship and this fear will drive you to do things that will ultimately sabotage your connection with your partner. While it has become cliche to say that you can only love someone if you first love yourself, it’s true. When you feel full and satisfied within yourself, relationships can become a source of inspiration and creativity instead of a power struggle. 

If you are single and looking for a relationship, angel number 777 is telling you that the universe is trying to bring you the right person but you are too busy worrying and searching for them. Almost everyone has had the experience where you decide you don’t really want a partner and suddenly someone shows up out of the blue. This is because the decision to willingly stay single and be happy about it is a sign of self-worth. The universe will show you a reflection of that self-worth in the form of a person who truly values you. 

Meaning of angel number 777 in professional career and money

In your professional life, Angel Number 777 can mean that you are on the verge of some kind of improvement but you need to be able to let it in. If you already have a job but are feeling dissatisfied, this angel number can mean that you need to drop your resistance against the current situation. Acceptance of the situation can open the way for things to get better, but if you are tense and frustrated it means you are pushing against the present circumstance. When it comes to manifestation, what you resist will persist. While it may seem on the surface that accepting the situation means you are resigning to stay stuck, the opposite is true. Acceptance of where you are will shift your energy and open the doors for the universe to bestow its gifts and blessings upon you.

If you are unemployed and looking for a job but are struggling to find anything, the angel number 777 is urging you to take some time to reflect on what you truly want. Are you seeking work out of fear because you are afraid of what might happen if you don’t start making more money right away? Or are you looking for something that is a good fit for you that allows you to express your true self in a way that can support you? There is no right or wrong answer but it is important to know why you want what you want. If you are driven by fear you will keep the best jobs at bay and become stuck in an endless cycle of survival, while if you relax and go for things you are inspired to take action on then you can go beyond mere survival and create a truly joyful life.

Strengths associated with angel number 777

The greatest strength of angel number 777 is that it can bring your true desires into manifestation. It is the most positive of all the numbers. When you are in sync with the flow of energy represented by the number 7 the universe can bring you things that you didn’t even know you wanted. This angel number connects you with the outside world in a way that allows you to truly feel and enjoy your life. Many people feel like prisoners in their bodies but with the help of this angel number, you can feel truly alive, experiencing the flow of joyful energy through your entire body. Even the most basic and mundane experiences can feel like falling in love.

Weaknesses associated with angel number 777

The biggest weakness of Angel Number 777 is that it can sound too good to be true. Many people struggle to believe the idea that life can be so easy and simple. Letting go and trusting that life can take care of itself can trigger deep-seated fears in people who are used to trying to control things. The ego wants to manage everything by itself and it likes to take credit for all the good things that happen. Many people take pride in their struggles and sufferings, thinking it makes them superior and more deserving of love and happiness than others. When things go too smoothly some people can feel guilty about it and feel they need to work hard and struggle for anything good to come into their life, so they will reject the blessings of the universe out of pride.

Angel number 777 and Astrology

The astrological influences associated with the Angel number 777 are Venus and Saturn. 7 is the number of Venus and 3 is the number of Saturn. Venus is the planet of love, desire, creativity, pleasure, and attraction. Saturn is the planet of self-mastery, understanding, and determination. To reap the benefits that the power of Venus has to offer you have to be dedicated to the work of mastering your fears. The influence of Venus is what attracts your desires like a magnet, while Saturn is the influence that helps you understand your limitations as well as the inner workings of the universe. 

What to do when seeing 777

When you see Angel number 777 it is helpful to check in with the feelings in your body. Where are you feeling tense? What kind of thoughts and emotions come up when you pay attention to the tension in your body? Try to relax and imagine the pores of your skin opening up to let in the flow of divine energy from the universe. This energy is being sent to you all the time, you just have to learn to let it in. If any fears come up in response to this energy, just let it flow through you and offer it your loving attention. Open up to all feelings and sensations, offering them your acceptance.

Is 777 a lucky number?

Angel number 777 is the luckiest of all angel numbers. Many cultures across the world acknowledge the number 7 as a lucky number. Even slot machines in casinos offer the biggest rewards for getting all 7s. This angel number is positive in both the material sense as well as spiritual. Open up to this lucky energy and watch the universe shower you with gifts of love and prosperity.

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