Angel number 1010 explained
Angel number 1010 can be a sign that things are not exactly as they seem and you might be buying into an illusion. Since 10 is the number of illusions, this could mean that someone is trying to deceive you or it could also mean that you are buying into the most common illusion which is that the world is purely material, neglecting the spiritual nature of things. Of course, don’t jump to conclusions and assume someone is lying to you just because you see this angel number, wait until you have more information before making assumptions.
When it comes to the illusion of physicality, it is easy to slip into thinking in a materialistic way without realizing it. While you may consciously believe that reality is made of energy and can be influenced by your mind and emotions, you may have some unconscious beliefs that are causing you to behave in ways that suggest you still are hanging onto an old way of seeing things. One way you can tell if you are still harboring these unconscious beliefs is if you are worrying. Worrying is nearly always rooted in materialistic thinking because when you have fully accepted the idea that your reality is a projection of your consciousness, there is no need to worry at all. Angel number 1010 is asking you to examine the real reasons behind your feelings and actions.
The number 10 in traditional numerology would usually be reduced back to the number 1, since 1 + 0 = 1, but the type of numerology I am presenting on this website is rooted in the Kabbalistic tree of life. In this tradition, the number 10 is related to the sphere of ‘Malkuth’ which represents the physical world. While numbers 1 through 9 represent the cosmic and celestial forces of creation, number 10 represents the stage upon which the celestial forces play out their drama. You could say that the physical world is the world of effects rather than causes. While it is true that when one thing happens, it is the product of something else that happened before, and that event was caused by something that happened before that, and so and so on, when you trace things back far enough you will find that the original root causes of these events are astral or energetic. This means that if you learn to work with astral energies, you can cause an entire chain of events to occur that may not have ever happened otherwise.
If angel number 1010 represents the stage, then the cosmic forces are the writers, directors, and producers of the play, and the 4 classical elements are the characters who play out the story. The elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire make up the primary building blocks of physical matter. Of course, we are not talking about literal earth, literal air, water, or fire. We are talking about the symbolic elements of earth, air, water, and fire. The astral energies that are represented by these elements also represent the 4 states of matter. Earth is solid matter, water is liquid, air is gas, and fire is ethereal energy, which is not yet recognized by modern science. The dense physical matter we experience every day which seems so solid and unchangeable is the end product of a complex process of different kinds of energy mixing and condensing into something that we can experience in the physical world. When we forget this and think that the physical world is all that exists, we get caught up in an illusion and fail to see life for what it is.
Getting caught up in this misperception of reality causes us to fall victim to the illusion of power instead of using the power of the illusion. The illusion of power means that you have to force life to happen through endless effort and everything you gain you must fight to keep, it supposes that life is an enemy to be dominated and controlled. This leads to an exhausting and unsatisfying life where you are so busy that you can’t even enjoy the things you have worked so hard to achieve. On the flip side, using the power of the illusion means you are working in harmony with the laws of creation and using the mechanisms of manifestation the way they were designed to be used. This leads to a joyful life of effortless flow where order is maintained automatically as you let the cosmic forces do all the heavy lifting for you. Angel number 1010 is a reminder to use the power of the illusion.
In numerology, each number is associated with a geometric shape. In the case of the number 10, we have the decagon, a 10-sided polygon. This represents order and balance of cosmic forces held in perfect harmony to give rise to something solid and material. It is nearly impossible to accurately draw this shape without using tools like a square and drafting compass. It requires that each angle be carefully measured or else the entire shape will be out of balance. This can represent the idea that to understand the nature of physical reality requires a sharp mind and careful observation. Only a highly conscious and self-aware being can understand the complex inner workings of the universe that come together to create what we experience as the material world.
Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 1010
On the spiritual level, the angel number 1010 represents the ability to discern the different energetic forces at play in your life. This ability allows you to contextualize your life within a bigger framework, which can feel like a great relief. Many people feel utterly overwhelmed by the complexity of life and if you ask them to explain their worldview to you, they can’t do it. They struggle with this because they are operating on several unconscious assumptions and instead of looking at these basic assumptions, they say things like “Some things aren’t meant to be understood” or become agitated and refuse to address the subject at all. When you have a system that helps you understand how things work this feeling of being overwhelmed can relax and fade away. There is no one way to understand reality, the system of angel numbers I have presented on these pages is just one way of systematizing the complex inner workings of the universe. When you decide that a number means something, then to you it becomes true and when your system lines with a system that others have used throughout history, it becomes more powerful. That is why I have tied traditional numerology with the ancient mystical system of the Kaballah.
What Angel Number 1010 Means For Love and Relationships
In romantic relationships, the angel number 1010 can vary depending on the situation so you will need to be careful not to jump to conclusions. As the number 1010 can often point to illusions, it can mean that your partner might not be entirely honest about something but again you mustn’t become paranoid and make assumptions just because you see this number. It could also mean that you are not seeing something clearly and the illusion comes from a misunderstanding or assumption being made on your part. In either case, you won’t know for sure until you get more information. Try to be open to the possibility that you could be wrong about something or misinterpreting a situation. Stay calm and don’t point fingers, simply take a closer look at the situation.
If you are single and struggling to find love, angel number 1010 could likely be a sign that you are falling for a negative belief about yourself that is not necessarily rooted in truth. Perhaps you think that you can’t find someone because of some perceived flaw that you feel insecure about. This flaw may be the product of your imagination and no one else sees it but you. This can cause you to act in self-defeating ways or pass up opportunities out of fear. In most cases the flaws you see in yourself are barely even noticeable to most people so be careful not to fall into a self-sabotaging attitude.
Meaning of angel number 1010 in professional career and money
In your professional life, Angel Number 1010 can have several different potential meanings. If you are unhappy with your job and you are always thinking about how you’d rather be doing something else, this angel number can be a sign that you are creating unnecessary suffering for yourself by making assumptions about an alternative career path that might not be as great as you think it is. It is easy to think the grass is greener on the other side, but then when you get there you find out that it is not what you imagined. For example, someone working in an office could be dreaming of becoming a traveling musician. They might daydream of the glory and excitement of being a rock star only later to find out that they end up spending most of their time in a crowded van, barely sleeping, eating bad food, and barely making enough money to survive. While it is good to follow your dreams, do not allow those dreams to cause you to be unhappy in the present.
If you are unemployed or struggling to find work, angel number 1010 can mean that there are things you could be doing but you are not taking action on them because you don’t see how they could be related to your future success. When you consider that reality is a reflection of your state of being, then it makes sense to do things you enjoy even if you don’t think they are going to get you anywhere. Do not fall for the illusion that you must force circumstances into being, sometimes doing something unrelated that feels enjoyable can be the thing that gets you unstuck and allows your reality to bring you what you need.
Strengths associated with angel number 1010
The greatest strength of angel number 1010 is that it can reassure you that there is nothing to worry about. It is a sign that your fears are likely rooted in misunderstanding or misperception. Even when things seem desperate and hopeless, this angel number can remind you that not all is as it seems, and just because you can’t see the way out doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The universe can surprise you and present you with circumstances that seem highly unlikely or even impossible. We as human beings have limited perceptions and we tend to assume that what we see is all there is but what we see is only a small percentage of what is possible.
Weaknesses associated with angel number 1010
The biggest weakness of Angel Number 1010 is that it can cause paranoia. Due to its connection with illusions, it can be easy to assume the worst and project our fears onto the people around us. When you see this number remember that it does not always mean that someone is lying to you. When confronted with the idea that things are not as they seem we are also confronted with the unknown and it is easy to assume the worst and jump to conclusions prematurely. If you tend to often assume the worst-case scenario, try to be aware of this habit and remember that we lie to ourselves far more often than we are lied to by others.
Angel number 1010 and Astrology
Angel number 1010 does not have a direct association with the planets in astrology as it represents the Earth itself. In astrology, the earth is not typically considered an astrological influence because it is more like the container for the higher forces, or the stage on which they play out their drama. You could add 10 + 10 = 20, then add 2 + 0 = 2 and because the number 2 is loosely associated with the planet Neptune you could say that it is an influence but Neptune is not one of the 7 traditional planets and was only added into the mix in more recent times. However, Neptune is associated with illusions and mystery so it would fit well with angel number 1010.
What to do when seeing 1010
When you see Angel number 1010 take a moment to notice what thoughts are at the forefront of your mind. What are you thinking about? Is it causing you to worry? Are you assuming the worst or complaining to yourself in your mind about a situation? If there is anything negative going on in your head when you see this number try to recognize that you might not see the situation clearly and worrying is likely unnecessary. Things will likely turn out differently than you imagine. Check-in with how you are feeling in the moment and ask yourself “What would I have to believe is true in order to feel this way? Is it actually true or is this based on an assumption?”.
Is 1010 a lucky number?
Angel number 1010 can be considered lucky because it usually means things are going to turn out better than you think. Of course, it depends on the situation as the meaning of angel numbers can change somewhat depending on the context of the situation. You may not want to try to use this number in games of chance like gambling or pulling lottery numbers because chances are the outcome will not be what you are expecting.