Angel number 555 explained
The Angel Number 555 is a bitter-sweet sign from the universe that the difficulties you are experiencing, or will soon experience, are essential for your spiritual growth and development. This angel number is a reminder to keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever you are currently struggling with is temporary and while you may not enjoy the experience as it is happening, you will enjoy the final results. Similar to the way that lifting weights causes minor pains and tears in the muscles that stimulate muscle growth, the number 5 is often a catalyst for building strength and endurance for life in general.
Imagine that God is a sculptor and we humans are born as raw blocks of stone which contain a beautiful statue inside, just waiting for an artist to come along and reveal the beauty that resides within the stone. The number 5, and also the angel number 555, could be likened to the sculpting knife of the divine. It is the energy that the universe uses to perfect its creations. It cuts and chips away at the raw and unrefined parts of our consciousness and slowly reveals the best versions of ourselves. This process can take many lifetimes and it can be quite painful at times but the results it gives are permanent. The person who has completed this process of refinement is often called a Buddha or Christ, which are two different words that mean “awakened one” or “enlightened person”.
The angel number 555, at its core, represents the destructive principle of creation. While to some that may sound like a contradiction, consider that without the power of destruction, we could not digest our food, and the combustion engines in our cars couldn’t exist. If you have ever tended a garden or taken care of houseplants, you know that if you don’t trim the dead leaves and branches new growth cannot take place and the energy is wasted, slowing the growth of the plant. We must do away with this assumption that destruction is bad or evil. It only becomes evil if it is unbalanced by the creative forces represented by the other numbers used in numerology.
When we add the numbers of angel number 555 together we get 5 + 5 + 5 = 15, and when we further reduce it we get 1 + 5 = 6. This shows us that although the number 5 is of primary importance to this angel number, the number 6 is also involved. The number 6 represents illumination and awakening of the spirit. This is a hint that anytime you see the number 555 you can assume that whatever is happening is for the purposes of spiritual awakening and self-discovery. Modern society has become very detached from this process of the enlightenment of the soul and the angel number 555 brings the tough love we sometimes need so that we can get back on track. This universe is designed for the evolution of consciousness and when we get too far off track, tragedy can strike to motivate us to reorient ourselves. It is much better to cooperate with the universe so its lessons don’t have to be so harsh.
In Pythagorean numerology, each number is associated with a geometric shape. In the case of the number 5, this shape is the pentagon or 5-sided polygon. The pentagon is quite special because it is the first number whose shape can also be represented as a star. The 5-sided star, also known as the pentagram, is a very misunderstood and maligned shape thanks to Hollywood and hundreds of years of religious campaigns designed to demonize any effective form of mysticism. The pentagram represents the 5 elements in perfect balance, it represents humanity in its perfected form. In alchemy, when the elements of earth, air, water, and fire are all brought into balance within the human soul, the person becomes a gateway for the 5th element known as spirit. This perfected being is a vehicle for the divine essence itself and they become one with God, the universe, and everything. So don’t be afraid of the pentagram, it is a very sacred symbol that has nothing to do with evil and is far from satanic, despite what the movies would have you believe.
Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 555
On the spiritual level, the angel number 555 is a sign that the perfecting force of the universe is flowing through your life. You could be entering a difficult phase in your journey that will require you to have strength and courage. True courage is the willingness to face your fears and the ability to embrace fear as a valid emotion that does not need to be avoided and pushed away. A person who can sit comfortably with fear is a true spiritual warrior and a force to be reckoned with. When the number 5 is done with you, no one will dare attempt to take advantage of you or abuse you in any way. Most people are afraid to feel fear so they repress these feelings and end up suffering from underlying anxiety, making them a target for narcissists and other emotional predators. You are becoming friends with fear which makes you quite terrifying indeed.
Many people who become interested in spirituality do so because they are tired of suffering and they seek inner peace. In most cases, it is trauma that drives a person to seek happiness from within and abandon the quest for satisfaction through material objects and situations. You are being called to face that trauma and embrace the fear that fuels it. Fear will chase you when you run from it but when you stop and look at it, it vanishes. Face your fears with courage and remember that this difficult period will not last forever.

What Angel Number 555 Means For Love and Relationships
If you are in a romantic relationship, the angel number 555 can be a sign that it is time to let go of a toxic relationship or at least some aspect of a relationship that is no longer serving you. Many people will stay in a bad relationship even when they know it is unhealthy to stay. If this is you, the angel number 555 is a sign that it’s time to move on. You will likely feel a lot of fear and anxiety around doing this and the person will likely try to convince you that you should stay. If this happens, it is up to you to summon the strength to face your fears and embrace the unknown. You know when it’s time to move on but in the past you may have had the tendency to ignore this feeling. It is common to project repressed feelings from your childhood onto your relationships and standing up to these people can make you feel like a child standing up to their parents. End the cycle of drama once and for all by embracing the fear and letting it flow through you.
If you are single and looking for love, Angel number 555 is a sign that now is not the time to be looking for a relationship. It is very likely that if you go too far out of your way to find a partner right now you will simply repeat the same dynamics as your past relationships. This is a time when you will be best served by focusing on yourself and learning what the true motivation behind your urge to be loved may be. Everyone likes to feel loved, but for some, it can be a desperate need that becomes the central organizing force in your life. When this happens you are headed for disappointment. Try to trust that the love you seek can be felt without the need for a partner. The warm fuzzy feelings you seek are hiding just on the other side of your fears. When fear subsides, love rushes in.
Meaning of angel number 555 in professional career and money
In your professional life, Angel Number 555 can be a sign that it is time to make some changes. If you are stuck in a job that makes you unhappy, this angel number can be a sign that you are hurting yourself by not seeking other employment. It can also mean that you are entering into a challenging phase at work that will ultimately make you stronger as a person. Do not be afraid or shy away from this challenge. Chances are it won’t be all that bad. The real challenge is often not the actual situation but your emotional response to the situation.
If you are already working in your ideal career field, Angel number 555 can mean that the status quo will soon be disrupted for the sake of positive progress. We all want work to go smoothly and present the right amount of challenge to keep from getting bored, but sometimes the universe needs to shake things up to prevent the situation from becoming stagnant. You have not yet reached your ultimate potential in your career and may need a little push, or some external motivation to keep growing.
If you are unemployed and seeking work, the Angel number 555 can be a message that there are repressed feelings buried within you that only come up into the light when you are faced with the uncertainty that comes with unemployment. Keep looking and applying for jobs you want, but also take this time to dig deep into your emotions and confront what may be lurking beneath the surface.
Strengths associated with angel number 555
The greatest strength of angel number 555 is that it builds true strength and courage. It teaches you to not shy away from challenges and to embrace life fully without fear. This is the force of nature that dissolves karma and breaks unconscious patterns, leading to true freedom. The number 5 can also teach you about how to wield power and embrace the sensation of feeling powerful. Many people are stuck in a victim mentality and lost in a sense of powerlessness, but this angel number shows you that you are immeasurably powerful and you are using that power to create the illusion of powerlessness.
Weaknesses associated with angel number 555
The biggest weakness of Angel Number 555 is that its influence can be rather painful. In most cases, this is emotional and mental pain rather than physical pain. It can be easy to get discouraged or upset when you see this number but this is only because we are so conditioned to avoid conflict and hide from discomfort. Do not be afraid of angel number 555 as it does for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Angel number 555 and Astrology
The astrological influences associated with Angel number 555 are Mars and the Sun. The number 5 is associated with Mars, the divine warrior, and the number 6 is associated with the Sun, the great healer and illuminator. When these powers work together it creates a situation where old structures and the astral junk stuck in the aura can be broken down and destroyed. The sun then comes in with its healing and transformative qualities, allowing you to rise from the ashes of your own subconscious fears.
What to do when seeing 555
When you see Angel number 555 it is best to take on the perspective of a mighty warrior who willingly faces danger and does not shy away from a challenge. Recognize that all fear is an illusion that fades away as soon as it is examined closely. The inner demons that this angel number helps to fight off are not big scary monsters, but they are more like shadow puppets on the wall. The shadow may appear to be a terrifying monster but when you look closely, you see that this is only a trick of the light, making something small appear much bigger than it is.
Is 555 a lucky number?
Angel number 555 is not a lucky number in the traditional sense of the word. If your goal in life is to seek enlightenment, then yes this number is extremely lucky. When it comes to material gains and the type of luck that most people refer to when they use the word ‘lucky’ this number could be considered a bad sign. So you could say that this angel number is inwardly lucky but outwardly unlucky. Spiritually positive and materially negative.