Angel number 888 explained
Angel number 888 is a sign that you need to trust that you already know what you need to know but you might be rejecting your ideas out of fear. Some information comes from books and teachers while other kinds of information come to you through divine gnosis. Divine gnosis simply means you know something directly without being able to explain why you know it. You could think of it as a download of information from the universe directly into your brain. You have to be able to trust yourself to be able to use this kind of information without dismissing it as fantasy. Just because it’s all in your head doesn’t mean it’s not real. Reality is not what it seems to be.
Many creative people claim to suffer from artist’s block or writer’s block. This can manifest in many different ways and it doesn’t have to apply only to artistic creativity. Angel number 888 is telling you that you already have ideas but you are rejecting them before they have a chance to form into a clear image. When you ask the universe for information it often gives it to you right away but we tend to want things to be more complicated and reject the possibility that things can be so simple. We all have a direct line to the source of all knowledge if only we can open up to the possibility of direct knowing.
In some cases, if you are absolutely certain you don’t have the information you need to be able to move forward with an aspect of your life, the angel number 888 can mean that the information is coming to you soon. It could show up in the form of a book that happens to cross your path or a person who happens to tell you what you need to know, or you could have an unexpected flash of insight where you suddenly connect the dots in your mind and everything makes sense. Sometimes you have to step away from a problem you are working on and let the answers come to you naturally. When you stop thinking about an issue you are struggling with, the subconscious mind can take over and work things out in the background, serving up the answer on a silver platter when the time is right.
While the power of the angel number 888 can manifest in several different ways, the real message is that you need to trust yourself. No one else knows more about your life than you do and just because something works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for you. Self-doubt will stop you dead in your tracks and keep you running in circles trying to do what everyone else tells you. It is okay to accept advice and guidance from others but if you disagree with them, your best bet is to do what seems right to you instead. Even if you end up being wrong, the only way to truly learn is to follow your gut and see where it takes you. As the saying goes, ‘the fool who persists in his folly will eventually become wise’.
To further understand the angel number 888 we can do some basic math to unpack the numerology behind it. When we add 8 + 8 + 8 we get 24. Then we further add 2 + 4 to get 6. This tells us that even though the number 8 is the primary influence in this angel number, the number 6 is also involved. The number 8 represents the logical and analytical part of the mind. Our ability to think, communicate in words, and create the illusion of separation so we can differentiate between one thing and another to make sense of the world. While it is true that all is one and the universe is just one infinitely large thing, without the illusion of separation we wouldn’t be able to think or understand anything to make decisions on our own. The key is to accept that this is an illusion while also being able to use the illusion to shape the world to our liking.
The inclusion of the number 6 in the formula that is angel number 888 is a hint that we can use the quality of mind described by the number 8 to help accelerate our spiritual evolution by working the higher forces of reality in a specific way. Once we understand the different aspects of reality that are represented by numbers 1 through 9, we can learn to work with these forces in different ways to create what some might refer to as magick (spelled with K to differentiate between stage magic). The highest form of magick is the kind that accelerates our ascent toward enlightenment, which is represented by the number 6.
In numerology, each number is associated with a geometric shape. In the case of the number 8, this shape is an 8-pointed star. This shape looks like 2 interlocking squares, representing the idea of merging heaven and earth. The same principle is also symbolized by a black-and-white checkerboard floor pattern. When you see an 8-pointed star or a black and white checkerboard pattern, the idea of bringing the powers of heaven down to earth is represented. You can see these patterns in some churches, cathedrals, masonic temples, and other sacred or religious spaces. Angel number 888 points to the same idea.
Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 888
On the spiritual level, the angel number 888 represents the experience of witnessing the grand machinery of the universe. Understand that everything works according to cosmic laws and we all have the ability to work with this metaphysical machinery and steer the flow of life in our favor. Why strain and struggle through life when you can simply direct the currents of the universe to do the heavy lifting for you? Of course, if you succumb to self-doubt, this divine machinery becomes useless to you. The only way to come to fully understand these cosmic principles is through intuition and direct knowledge, you will never be able to prove to anyone else that this is how things work. If you require concrete scientific evidence before you can believe something, you will be waiting a long time before you can use the powers that are available to you.
Trusting yourself is critical on the spiritual path. The realizations and discoveries you will make on the spiritual path are extremely subjective and sometimes difficult to explain. You are both the scientist and the experiment at the same time. You must observe, make predictions, experiment, and record your results. Only you can determine what is ultimately true for you.
What Angel Number 888 Means For Love and Relationships
In romantic relationships, the meaning of angel number 888 can change depending on your situation. If your relationship is struggling and you feel like you can’t figure out how to fix it, this angel number is suggesting that you already have the solution but it might not be the solution you want. If you have been pondering an idea or thinking of trying something new but you are holding back out of fear then this angel number is encouraging you to set your fear aside and go for it. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
If your relationship is going well and you see angel number 888 it could mean that you are overthinking things and possibly looking for problems where there are none. This is a common habit as many of us live in a constant state of low-grade fight or flight which makes it difficult to turn off the problem-solving part of the mind. If you have a feeling that something is wrong but you don’t know what it is, try doing some meditation or breathing exercises to get your nervous system to relax out of this habitual pattern of problem-seeking.
If you are single and looking for love, the angel number 888 can mean that you are trying too hard to use techniques to get attention instead of being authentic and genuine. In the age of the internet, there is no shortage of information available on how to attract a partner. The problem is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to attracting a mate. The harder you try to apply special techniques, the more awkward and uncomfortable you will appear. Try not to overthink things, trust that you will know what to say when you need to say it, and that you will attract the right person for you by having faith in yourself and trusting that you are good enough as you are.
Meaning of angel number 888 in professional career and money
In your professional life, Angel Number 888 means that you have what you need to get the job done, whatever it may be. If you are missing some key component in making your goals a reality it may be that what you are truly lacking is a belief in your skills and talents. In some cases, you can manifest the experience of missing a piece of the puzzle because your energy is tied up in self-doubt. When you fear that you can’t do the thing you truly want to do you can cause that fear to come true and the universe will keep the tools and opportunities you need at bay. When you truly trust and believe in yourself, nothing you need will be held back from you.
Whether you are hesitating to ask for a raise at work, holding back on applying for the job you truly want, or procrastinating on starting a project, when you see angel number 888 it is a sign to believe in yourself and go for it. If things don’t turn out how you hope it will still signal to the universe that you are ready to take the next steps and new opportunities may manifest unexpectedly. When you hold back on an idea it will block the way for new ideas to come through. Get rid of hesitation and self-doubt and go for it!
Strengths associated with angel number 888
The greatest strength of angel number 888 is that it shows that there is nothing that is out of your reach. We all have access to the source of all knowledge. Some people call it the Akashic record, Indra’s Web, or to use a more modern metaphor, the cosmic database. If you can learn to quiet your mind you can receive information directly from the universe. It can show up as a direct insight that you can’t explain, or it can manifest in your reality in the form of a person, a book, or a website. By remaining open to possibilities and trusting your intuition you can learn anything you want to know.
Weaknesses associated with angel number 888
The biggest weakness of Angel Number 888 is that to use it to your advantage you have to do a lot of inner work. The easy access to information only comes when you can control the amount of noise going on in your mind. Many people claim they cannot meditate or quiet their minds so they give up and stop trying. If you are unwilling to do the work of learning to slow the momentum of your habitual thoughts you will not be able to use this ability to your advantage.
The other weakness of this angel number is that it is extremely easy to dismiss these cosmic downloads as pure fantasy. We have been taught to see imagination as not real when in reality it is a gateway to the subconscious mind. Hundreds, maybe thousands of years of social conditioning have caused us to devalue the imagination which is one of the most potent tools we have available to us. You must be able to think for yourself and be willing to be seen as weird or crazy by others who don’t understand. While the power of angel number 888 is available to everyone, not everyone will use it.
Angel number 888 and Astrology
The astrological influences associated with the Angel number 888 come from Mercury and the Sun. The number 8 is the number of Mercury and 6 is the number of the Sun. Recalling that 8 + 8 + 8 = 24, and 2 + 4 = 6, we can see where the influence of the Sun comes into the picture. The hidden meaning in this numerological code is that the highest and most profound use of this angel number is when it is used to acquire information and techniques that lead us down the path of enlightenment. The sun and the number 6 are all about illuminating the spirit and becoming enlightened and Mercury is the planet of magical techniques. When we combine these 2 we get what is often referred to as ‘High Magic’, which is a practice designed to elevate human consciousness to higher levels.
What to do when seeing 888
When you see Angel number 888 the key is to trust yourself. Remove all self-doubt, and have the courage and confidence to bet on yourself and your perceptions. Life is an experiment and if you are so afraid to make a mistake that you don’t take chances you can become stuck in a cycle of unhappiness. Remember that you don’t need everyone to agree with you. Just because others don’t see things your way doesn’t mean you are wrong. This angel number encourages you to think like a magician, a divine being who is connected to all things.
Is 888 a lucky number?
Angel number 888 is lucky in the sense that it can teach you how to work with the various types of energy available to you which can make things happen that make it seem like you are lucky. Rather than 888 being a lucky number it is more like the number of the science of being lucky. What we typically refer to as luck is the result of subtle energies working in ways we may not always understand. Angel number 888 can help teach you to make your own luck.