Angel number 444: True Love and Abundance

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angel number 444

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Angel number 444 explained

The Angel Number 444 is a very positive sign that you are on the right track to long-term happiness. The number 4 could be considered one of the luckiest numbers in numerology as it brings good fortune and the experience of love. Although, the kind of love and good fortune this angel number represents might not be the same kind of love and fortune you might typically think of when you hear those words. This is universal love rather than personal love between two people. In many cases, this experience of embracing the universe can lead to personal love as a reflection of your state of mind but in this case, you are able to love in a non-needy kind of way. When you feel the loving embrace of the divine, relationships become an added bonus in your life rather than something you need so that you may feel fulfilled.

The universe is like a vast ocean of un-molded clay, just waiting for your consciousness to come along and give it shape. The world is not inherently hostile as many people believe. It depends upon you as a reflection of the creator to give life its qualities and characteristics. If you view life as difficult and hostile, the universe will oblige by giving you an experience of a difficult and unfriendly life. If you view the universe as an extension of your being you will create a life where the universe takes care of your needs and treats you as you would treat yourself. The Angel number 444 represents the happiness that comes along with letting go of your conditioned beliefs about reality and opening up to universal love.

When we add the numbers of angel number 444 together we get 4 + 4 + 4 = 12. Now we add the sum of these numbers together by adding 1 + 2 = 3. This tells us that the qualities of the number 3 are also encoded within this angel number. The number 3 represents self-mastery, constructive limitations, and the creative power of manifestation. The interaction of the number 4 and number 3 in this way shows us that when you embrace the beneficent and loving nature of the number 4, you automatically manifest situations that are exactly right for you. The universe begins to cooperate with you in ways that leave you with a feeling of awe and amazement. This is the true meaning of abundance.

In Pythagorean numerology, each number is associated with a geometric shape. In this case, the number 4 is represented by a square. If you have read my previous articles on the angel numbers 1 through 3, you may have noticed that there is a progression that occurs from one number to the next. Number 1 is represented by a single dot, number 2 is 2 dots connected by a line, number 3 is 3 lines connecting to form a triangle, and now number 4 puts 4 triangles together to make a square. If you want to turn this into a 3-dimensional shape, we could say instead of a square, it forms a 4-sided pyramid, one of the most stable structures known to humanity. This is a powerful symbol of the stability and higher perspective that the angel number 444 provides.

Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 444

On the spiritual level, the angel number 444 is a sign that you are on the long road to enlightenment. The positive benefits of this angel number tend to manifest very gradually at first but then at some point in your journey, it begins to work very quickly. You are on the path to overcoming all of your conditioned beliefs and limitations placed on you by your parents and the culture in which you grew up. This takes time but once you reach the tipping point you will find that you are suddenly filled with inner peace and a permanent sense of well-being. If you are seeing this angel number, rest assured that you are being guided on the most efficient path toward spiritual growth. Even if your current circumstances make you feel lost, trust that what you are experiencing is an essential part of your path.

On the level of spiritual evolution of the universe from formlessness into form, the number 4 represents the first levels of physical manifestation. If we look back at the number 3 and remember that it represents the ability of the self-aware conscious to create its desires, then we can better understand that the number 4 represents the first levels of manifestation of the physical world. At this level, there are no solid forms but we have a platform upon which the universal drama of cosmic forces can take place. When your consciousness expands to embrace this level of reality, you will know what William Shakespeare meant when he said “All the world’s a stage”. 

What Angel Number 444 Means For Love and Relationships

If you are in a romantic relationship, the angel number 444 is a sign that you don’t need to feel fear or try to control your partner in any way. The more you can trust, the more trustworthy your partner becomes. The more paranoid and controlling you become, the more your partner will become someone untrustworthy. All things are a reflection, including the people we encounter in our lives. If you are feeling anxious or worried about what your partner is thinking, feeling, or doing when you are not around, this angel number is a sign that these anxious feelings are not based on truth but are only remnants of past experiences. The future doesn’t have to be like the past, it is only when we get caught up in these old emotions that they become a reality. 

If you are single and looking for love, Angel number 444 is a sign to stop looking and let the right partner find you. You can still take the initiative and strike up a conversation when the opportunity presents itself but don’t go too far out of your way to chase love. What you chase will always run away from you. Trust that if you are single right now, there is a good reason for it and the universe has not simply forgotten you. This angel number is a sign that you are clearing out old patterns and learning to genuinely love yourself so that the partner you find in the future will be a reflection of the love you already feel. Chasing love out of a sense of inadequacy or loneliness will only lead you to a harsh lesson. 

Meaning of angel number 444 in professional career and money

In your professional life, Angel Number 444 is an excellent sign. There can be several ways this angel number might apply to your work life. If you are stuck at a job you don’t like, then this number is a sign to have patience and trust that this job is an essential stepping stone on the path toward your true vocation. A job exists that is a perfect match for who you are but to manifest this job you must fully embody your true self and let go of all fears and resistance to the flow of the universe. It’s all about letting go of control rather than desperately trying to force life to bend to your will.

If you are already working in your ideal career field, Angel number 444 is a sign to let go of the fear of missing out. This habit of always wondering if the grass might be greener on the other side can ruin a good thing. If you are experiencing these kinds of feelings, try to recognize that this is simply an emotional habit that is no longer serving you. You are already on the right track and all you need to do is keep walking the path that you are on.

If you are unemployed and can’t find work, this angel number is a sign that you are currently experiencing a phase of spiritual development that requires your full attention. Money and work would only serve as a distraction from this critical phase of spiritual evolution you are undergoing. It can be frustrating and difficult to accept, but if you are steadfast at this point in your process you will reap rewards that are greater than you can imagine. 

Strengths associated with angel number 444

The greatest strength of angel number 444 is that it marks important milestones on the path to enlightenment. When the powers of the universe represented by this angel number are done with you, you will no longer be the same person. All of your fears and worries will be gone and the universe will seem to bend over backwards to accommodate you and your goals. Your goals will no longer be based on personal gain because you will feel so fulfilled that there will be no reason to chase down purely material rewards. At the same time, you will have more material security than ever before and it will feel as though the universe simply hands you what you need exactly when you need it.

Weaknesses associated with angel number 444

The biggest weakness of Angel Number 444 is that it works very slowly and takes many years, perhaps even multiple lifetimes to fulfill its purpose. There is no higher goal than spiritual enlightenment but many are reluctant to take up such a monumental task. The process of letting go of fear and embracing the majesty of life takes time but it is the only path that leads to permanent happiness. Although the path is long, it need only be walked once and the results last forever, even into future incarnations. Once your soul has fully awakened you will never fall back into ego and fear for the rest of eternity… unless you choose to do so. 

Angel number 444 and Astrology

The planets associated with Angel number 444 are Jupiter and Saturn. 4 is the number of Jupiter and 3 is the number of Saturn. Remember that the sum of 4 + 4 + 4 = 12, and 1 + 2 = 3, so both planets influence can be found in this number. 

Jupiter is often known as the greatest benefic in astrology, meaning it is the planet that brings the most positive influence. Saturn is the opposite and known as the greater malefic, or the most harsh influence of all the other planets. Jupiter brings abundance and inspires a state of awe and amazement at the beauty of life, while Saturn brings limitations and brings heaviness and difficulty. When you combine these influences it is easy to see how angel number 444 is associated with the longest and most difficult path that brings the greatest rewards. 

What to do when seeing 444

When you see Angel number 444 the key is to have no fear. If the message of this angel number could be summed up in one sentence it would be ‘have no fear’. The key to overcoming fear is to stop being afraid to feel fear. It is the unwillingness to feel fear and the desire to reject and push it away and control our environment to hide from it that gives it power over us. When you see this number, try to relax into whatever you are feeling in your body at the moment, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant it may be. 

It is only the refusal to feel the fear that already exists in the body that creates problems. Fear is a perfectly natural emotion but we have been taught that it is an invalid feeling that needs to be avoided at all costs. This causes the leftover fear-based emotions that get stuck in the nervous system as the result of past traumas to remain hidden and control life from behind the scenes. Accepting fear allows it to process and transform into peace. relax and accept all feelings as valid. Let them flow through you until they disappear, never to return.

Is 444 a lucky number?

Angel number 444 could be considered the luckiest of all angel numbers. However, this is not fast luck as you might see with angel number 777 instead this angel number brings long-term, overarching success that takes a long time to manifest. While this kind of luck works slowly over time it also creates long-lasting results that can completely transform your entire life. This angel number brings true abundance, which is not just the experience of having more than enough, but it is the experience of the entire universe working on your behalf. This angel number leads you to make friends with life so that life also becomes friends with you. 

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