Angel number 111: A New Beginning

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angel number 111

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Angel number 111 explained

The Angel Number 111 is a sign that the universe is sending you an influx of brand new energy and bringing new vitality into some aspect of your life. The number 1 represents pure potential. You could call it creative energy, divine energy, or universal energy. Imagine the pure white light of a rainbow before it gets split into all the spectrum of colors and you’ll have a good idea of what this angel number represents. 

When we see 3 of the same number in a row, it represents the energy of that number in its purest form. Instead of a mixture of different powers combining to form a specific message, triple numbers represent energy in its concentrated form. We can still add the 3 numbers together to get more information but the most important part of the message is the number itself, in this case, the number 1 contains most of the information we need.

In Pythagorean numerology, numbers have a geometrical shape associated with them. With the number 1 that shape is a single point, or a dot. It has yet to be connected to any other points and has no reference to anything outside of itself. This tells us that the energy of angel number 111 has yet to be formed or shaped by any kind of intention. It is raw power that can be applied to anything you want, or you can let the universe decide where to put it.

Even though the number 1 is the most important part of this angel number, we can still add the numbers to get more information. If we add up the digits of angel number 111 we get 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. The 3 is represented by the triangle, the first closed shape which consists of 3 single points connected together. This is symbolic of the way we can take the raw energy of number 1 and give it shape and form by connecting different ideas. The triangle is universally recognized as a symbol of manifestation, or rather, the part of the mind that is capable of causing manifestations to occur. Seeing this angel number means your powers of manifestation are charged up and ready to go!

Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 111 

On the spiritual level, the angel number 111 represents unity and spiritual enlightenment. Enlightenment is a process rather than a goal to be reached. As our consciousness expands and we become more and more aware, we become more full of the light of the universe and see things more and more clearly. Hence the term en-light-enment, to become full of light. The number 1 represents the state of consciousness of the universal mind before it became aware of itself. At the level of number 1, there is no self-awareness, no sense of otherness. It is the pure swirling potential of creation before the universe of forms was created. 

As an experience, the angel number 111 symbolizes the state of ‘I am’. It is awareness with no thoughts or concepts, the experience of pure being. This state of unity and oneness brings a relaxed and alert sense of joy and peace. When you see this number, it is both a suggestion to center yourself and a sign that you are receiving a download from the universe that will cause your consciousness to expand. It is also a sign that you are now beginning a new chapter of your spiritual journey.

Angel number 111

What Angel Number 111 Means For Love and Relationships

If you are in a romantic relationship, angel number 111 can breathe new life into areas that may have begun to stagnate. This number is charging your relationship with new energy that will bring your connection to the next level. It is easy to fall into complacent patterns when you have been with the same person for a long time and Angel number 111 can shake things up in exactly the right way to keep things new and interesting. To allow this energy to flow through your love life and do its job, you need only be open to new experiences. Try not to cling to old patterns that are no longer working simply for the sake of familiarity. 

If you are single and looking for a new relationship, Angel number 111 can be a great sign that something new is on the way. If you have been struggling to find new love for a while, this angel number can bring a boost of energy that can help clear out whatever blockages you may have that have been preventing you from finding what are looking for. Remember that we are powerful creators, our emotional foundations affect our reality and what we can experience. Angel number 111 will shed some light on what you need to do to clear the way for your new partner to enter your life.

Meaning of angel number 111 in professional career and money

The Angel Number 111 can bring a fresh new perspective to your work and professional life. You may enter into a new job, contract, or project that will take you in unexpected directions. If you are self-employed or looking for a way to create a new source of income, this angel number could bring you the inspiration and creativity you need to make your dreams a reality. If you are happy with your work life, Angel number 111 could mean that you will be entering a new stage of development in your career. 

In some cases, this energy could inspire you to seek a new career path in your life. If you are feeling stuck in your job but are afraid to look for something else, this angel number is urging you to be open to new possibilities. Angel number 111 is all about new and unexpected things showing up in your life so try to stay open to surprises. Even if you have no idea what you’d like to be doing for work, remain open to the unknown so the universe can bring you unexpected blessings.

Strengths associated with angel number 111

The greatest strength of the angel number 111 is that it brings limitless potential to any situation. Never underestimate the power of the infinite. The power of this pure divine energy is responsible for creating the entire universe. It can bring you experiences that can seem to defy logic. It’s easy to feel jaded and think you have seen it all, especially after a certain age, but angel number 111 can blow your mind over and over again. This consciousness-expanding energy can even give you glimpses of other worlds and spiritual dimensions you never imagined could exist. 

Another strength of this number is that it often brings an increase in self-awareness. This can bring you deep insights and emotional breakthroughs that can clear the way for new manifestations to occur. You might also feel a temporary boost in vitality and excitement for life when the power of angel number 111 moves through your reality. 

Weaknesses associated with angel number 111

The biggest weakness of Angel Number 111 comes from its unpredictable nature. Since the number 1 deals with infinite potential, it is nearly impossible to predict exactly how it will affect you or what area of your life it might show up in. While you can sometimes direct this power with visualization and intention, you can never really know exactly how it will affect a situation. If you try too hard to predict what’s going to happen, or if you are too insistent on a specific outcome, this angel number can cause a bit of mischief to get you to loosen your grip and allow nature to take its course. 

Another downside to angel number 111 is something you could call ‘blank page syndrome’. When faced with too many options, it can be difficult to decide what to do. Like a writer who sits down at a blank page but can’t decide what to write about because there are too many possibilities. To use the power of this number consciously you need to have some kind of idea about what you want. Fortunately, you are not required to try to ‘use’ this energy if you don’t want to, you can always let your subconscious decide where it is needed most.

Angel number 111 and Astrology

The angel number 111 is astrologically tied to Uranus and Saturn. In astrology, the influence of Uranus is not always obvious. It is a very slow-moving planet and represents the overall evolutionary path of the entire collective consciousness on Earth at any given time. The number 1 and the planet Uranus are both all about unpredictable surges of power that cause people and situations to evolve in surprising directions. When Uranus transits through a zodiac sign, it brings incredible growth and innovation to everything it touches, much like the angel number 111.

The association with the planet Saturn comes from the fact that 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 as 3 is the number of Saturn. Saturn brings necessary limitations to the unbounded and infinite potential of angel number 111. The number 1 by itself can feel like an artist staring at a blank canvas. The artist could create anything and could feel paralyzed by having too many options. The influence of Saturn gives direction and purpose to the raw potential of Uranus.

A traditional astrologer might argue that the number 1 is not associated with any planets at all because it represents a state of unity that existed before the creation of the universe. Also, Uranus was not discovered until much later in history compared the main 7 celestial bodies. Others take a more organic approach to numerology and astrology, seeing them both as living an growing practices that is are not limited by the beliefs and opinions of old traditions. It is up to you to use your own logic and intuition to discover what makes the most sense to you. 

What to do when seeing 111

When you see Angel number 111 take a moment to think about any area of your life that has stopped growing or become stagnant. Try to harness the energy of this number by visualizing an area of your life being charged and empowered with pure white light. Don’t try to be too specific or tell it what to do. This energy is infused with the infinite intelligence of creation itself so it knows what to do, you need only give it a general direction. There is no need to micro-manage the source of creation. 

If you don’t know where to apply the energy of this angel number you can simply let it flow through you. It will automatically go to the areas of your spirit that need it most. In some cases, this is the best way to use this energy. While we all like to think we know what we need or what might be best for us, the universe has a higher perspective and knows even better. The more you can trust and let go, the better angel number 111 can work for you.

Is 111 a lucky number?

111 is a somewhat neutral number. While the influence of this energy is always positive in the long run, it may shake things up in ways that might make you feel nervous or uncertain at first. Angel number 111 is unpredictable first and foremost and as humans, we are sometimes intimidated by change. 111 contains all potentials which means that it carries the seeds of both positive and negative experiences. Overall this number brings positive influences since it causes growth and spiritual expansion, but it might not be lucky in the traditional sense. It is just as likely to remove something that isn’t good for you as it is likely to bring something new. 

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